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Meet Kerin McCallister, CNS
My Story
Hi, I am Kerin McCallister, one of your Team Nutritionists. My story is still being written but the first 49 chapters have been pretty interesting, to say the least. The Cliff’s Notes version looks like this: childhood as an active yet overweight and fairly healthy young girl, teens spent navigating eating habits and surgery-requiring joint issues, college was busy with multiple jobs, lots of school, and not much caring for myself (still struggling with my body and my relationship with food) and culminated with a severe back injury requiring two surgeries including a spinal fusion in 1998, then young motherhood where every day was a new challenge and I averaged a surgery a year between 2008-2014 addressing many joint and female issues. Middle-age is here now (whatever that means 😉) bringing with it a diagnosis-eluding GI condition in 2019, a diagnosis of auto-immune connective tissue disorder in 2021, and more. While I‘ve learned how to correct so many of the physical, emotional, and nutritional imbalances I’d been juggling, the mission to keep learning and investigating is unceasing.

I counted on mainstream medicine initially, as I did not know anything else at the time. I then began treatment with chiropractors, naturopathic physicians, and mental health professionals as the mainstream medical model was not working and seemed to make some things worse. It was the discovery of my body’s ability to recover, get stronger, and then avoid the injury cycle through movement and nutrition that shifted my intrigued interest to a full-on exploration.
To ‘pay it forward’ as a means of thanking those who helped guide and redirect my journey is a powerful passion and drive I live every day. This fervor was enough to lead me back to school in 2021 for my advanced degree in Clinical Nutrition after achieving my certification in Personal Training with a focus on Corrective Exercise seven years earlier.
If you’re still reading then you can tell I am not the stereotypical nutrition professional. I’ve been where you are, questioning how or when or if ‘it’ will change, I’ve lived through struggles and challenges, and I’m still navigating my own health and nutrition every day. My approach is personalized, and my plans are tailored to each client's needs, goals, and abilities. I look forward to hearing from you and partnering on your journey with you

My Experience
Education and Certificates
Masters of Science in Clinical Nutrition (MSCN), Sonoran University of Health Sciences
Bachelor of Science in Special Education, Columbia College
Certified Nutrition Specialists (CNS®)
Certified Personal Trainer, National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM)
Certified Level 1 Precision Nutrition Coach
Outside of Clinical Care
McCallister Fitness | Owner and Personal Trainer